Make Money For A Good Cause With A World Cup Sweepstake

Posted on: June 1st, 2018 | by Daniel Mckeown | No Comments

Last Updated on: 16th July 2024, 04:01 pm

World Cup Sweepstake


How to set up a World Cup sweepstake


Football World Cup SweepstakeHow can you watch football and raise money for charity at the same time? It’s easy with a World Cup sweepstake. They’re a great way to get everyone a bit more excited about the tournament, as well as encourage some friendly rivalry.


Many of you will already be taking part in a World Cup sweepstake with your friends or colleagues, so why not raise some money for charity while you’re at it?

Sweepstake Rules

If you’ve never taken part in a sweepstake before, here’s what you need to know.

  1. Get a list of all teams taking part in the tournament. You can download a copy of Sporting Life’s sweepstake kit to make this easy.
  2. Cut them out and put the teams in a hat.
  3. Get everyone to pay a small fee to pick a name from the hat.
  4. Whoever has the winning team, wins.

It’s that simple. Of course, these days you don’t have to physically pick names. Instead, you’ll be able to find some online tools to make it easy for you. That way you don’t have to mess around cutting out bits of paper.


Depending on how you want to run it, you can split the pot between the winner and whichever charity you want to donate to. Or you can give the whole lot to charity and offer an alternative prize for the winner. Maybe even a trophy from our range?

The Legal Bit

If you are going to run a sweepstake at your office, you have to make sure that you follow a few important rules:

  1. You can allow for some minor admin costs but nothing major.
  2. You can’t profit from it.
  3. It can’t be run over more than one location. So if your business has multiple locations, you’ll need a separate sweepstake at each one.

You can find out more about the legal side of office sweepstakes in this useful blog post.

Charity Donation

By adding a donation to charity as part of the sweepstake entry price, you can send a little of that World Cup fever to a good cause.

Many charities have their own kits which you can download or print out from their website. Have a look on Google to see what’s available. Alternatively, you can create your own with crayons or clipart.

Gift Aid

  • Gift Aid can only be redeemed on donations where the donor is not receiving any goods or services in return.
  • If a portion of the entry price is going to charity, this is not eligible for Gift Aid.
  • However, any voluntary donation by participants on top of the entry price is eligible.

Good luck and let us know who you get in your sweepstake!

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