Football Training 3 – Passing With Accuracy and Intensity

Posted on: July 20th, 2011 | by Flaviu | No Comments

Last Updated on: 16th October 2024, 10:12 am

Football Training Session


3. Passing With Accuracy and Intensity

Football Training Session - Passing For Accuracy and Intensity


Object of the Session: Teach players to pass accurately and move into space with intensity, building from a basic drill into a game-like situation.

Equipment: Cones, 1 football per trio.


  • Divide players into groups of 3. Set up two cones about 5 meters apart.
  • Two players stand by one cone (one in front, one behind) and the third stands by the second cone.
  • Give the ball to the player in front of the first cone.


  1. Player 1 passes the ball to Player 2 and then swaps places with Player 3.
  2. Using only 1 touch, player 2 passes the ball to Player 3.
  3. Player 3 returns the ball with their first touch and switches places with Player 1.
  4. Repeat this sequence for about 3 minutes, ensuring everyone has a turn in each position.

Coaching Points:

  • Focus on accurate passing and quick movements into space.
  • Emphasize first-touch passing to keep the drill flowing smoothly.
  • Encourage players to move at a high intensity.


Developing the Drill


Football Training Session - Passing For Accuracy and Intensity Progression



  • Set up a 10×10 meter square using 4 cones.
  • One player stands at each cone.


  1. Player 1 passes to Player 2.
  2. Using their first touch, Player 2 passes diagonally to Player 3.
  3. Player 3 returns the pass with one touch to Player 4.
  4. Player 4 dribbles the ball back to the first cone while the others move to the next cone.
  5. At the first cone, Player 4 passes to Player 1, who has now moved to the second cone.
  6. Players always follow their pass to the next cone.

Coaching Points:

  • High intensity and quick movement between cones are key.
  • Encourage players to keep their passes sharp and accurate.


Progressing to a Game Situation


Football Training Session - Passing For Accuracy and Intensity Game Situation


  1. Follow the same drill structure, but when Player 3 receives the ball, they pass to Player 4 into space.
  2. Player 4 can either pass to Player 5 (another attacker) or attempt to score themselves.
  3. Players 6 and 7 act as defenders, making it more realistic to game situations.
  4. After the sequence is complete, Player 9 begins the next round.


Finish the session with a standard game focusing on passing accuracy and movement into space. Encourage players to maintain intensity and precision in their passes.

Pendle Verdict

These drills are effective if players move quickly between the cones and pass accurately on the first touch. Younger players may need to use two touches.

Be sure to check out our previous training session posts. One focuses on finding space to receive the ball, and the other is about creating space with your first touch.

Don’t forget to pick up plenty of training footballs and training equipment to kickstart your training sessions. Pick up plenty of cones, markers and bibs to help your sessions run smoothly.


Click to View our range of training footballs

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