Football Training 1 – Find Space To Receive The Ball

Posted on: June 1st, 2011 | by Flaviu | 2 Comments

Last Updated on: 15th October 2024, 10:48 am

Football Training Session


1. Find Space To Receive The Ball

Football Drills - Finding Space to Receive the ball


Object of the Session: To teach players to find space to receive a pass and apply this skill in game situations.

Equipment: Cones, 1 football per pair.

Set-Up: Use cones to mark up a square double the size of the warm-up area. Split the team into pairs.


  1. The two players move within the square and pass the ball back and forth.
  2. To receive the ball, each player must fake one direction and then quickly change direction. Then they can then ask for the pass.

Coaching Points:

  • Players must be aware of what their partner is doing.
  • Each player must find a space to receive the ball. The more space a player creates, the more time they’ll have on the ball.
  • Encourage players to mislead their opponents by faking one direction before quickly changing.

Developing The Drill

  • Add defenders into the square so the players must lose an opponent before asking for the ball.
  • Introduce players outside the square. 1 player in the square will have the ball and the other will act as a defender. Player 1 must keep the ball away from player 2 and pass it to one of the players outside the square.
  • Play with 3-4 players on each side, to give each player more opportunities to find space. Award one point when 10 consecutive passes are completed or for passing to a teammate who has found space behind one of the lines that form the square.

End the drill with a regular game, so players are encouraged to focus on finding space to receive the ball.

Pendle Verdict

We think that this is a simple, yet effective practice. You must find some space to receive the ball. You’ll have more time, the more space you have. Faking out your opponent with a quick change of direction will help you create space and give you more time on the ball.

Don’t forget to pick up plenty of training footballs so you can kickstart your training sessions.


Click to view our range of training footballs


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2 Responses

  1. striker says:

    Nice idea Pendle. This looks like a good exercise. I will try this sometime! Are you going to be releasing more ideas for training sessions??

  2. Pendle Sportswear Ltd says:

    We are going to be releasing ideas for training sessions on a weekly basis from June 27th to coincide with the start of pre season. We hope that they will give you many ideas for Football Training. It would be nice to receive feedback once you have tried the exercises.

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